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Aquacultured Montipora Frag Pack (5 Pack) - ORA

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Aquacultured Montipora Frag Pack (5 Pack) - ORA
Aquacultured Montipora Frag Pack (5 Pack) - ORA
Aquacultured Montipora Frag Pack (5 Pack) - ORA
Aquacultured Montipora Frag Pack (5 Pack) - ORA
Aquacultured Montipora Frag Pack (5 Pack) - ORA
Aquacultured Montipora Frag Pack (5 Pack) - ORA
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ORA® Aquacultured Montipora Frag 5 Pack

Mind Trick Montipora Coral
Orange Setosa Coral
German Blue Polyp Montipora Coral
Pink Polyp Capricornis Coral
Spongodes Coral

Mind Trick Montipora Coral

Mind Trick Montipora is considered one of the most spectacular Montipora varieties in the hobby. Its sea green body color is accentuated by an intense violet growth edge and hot red polyps. The Mind Trick Monti grows in an encrusting form until it reaches the edge of the rock where it will begin to plate out horizontally. We have been growing this exceptional coral in our greenhouse since 2009 when we obtained a single fragment from a local hobbyist. This thick bodied Montipora grows slower than your average thin plating Montipora but we still consider it to be a pretty fast grower.

If you were wondering what happened to the first word in the name of this familiar coral please allow us to explain.  As a prominent company we have always been careful to be respectful of intellectual property and avoid trademark infringement while creating “trade names” for corals or fish.  This was the first case where we had a coral strain with a well established name we couldn’t legally use. We tried to keep the name as intact as possible to avoid creating too much confusion, we hope you understand.

Frags will be approximately 1.5 inches and will come attached to a cement aragonite disk.

Placement: Middle – Top

Lighting: Medium – High

Flow: Moderate – Strong

Approximate Purchase Size: 1" - 2"

Orange Setosa Coral

The Orange Setosa is an awesome Montipora species with a distinct growth form among SPS corals. This coral is famous for its intense orange coloration but it can appear pink when placed under very intense lighting. As the ORAnge Setosa colony grows, it forms an undulating encrusted base and branches that eventually fuse together before branching again. Mature colonies often have extremely unusual shapes and it seems that no two colonies are ever the same. Compared to other Montipora species, the ORAnge Setosa has very few polyps however they give the otherwise smooth surface a delicate texture. The ORAnge Setosa is a relatively slow grower, but we have found it to be hardy and tolerant of a wide range of lighting and flow conditions.

Approximately 1.5” in size

German Blue Polyp Montipora Coral

The ORA German Blue Polyp Digitata is a round tipped, branching Montipora coral with short, bright blue polyps and golden yellow to white growth tips.  Requires intense light to maintain blue polyp coloration.

Placement: Middle – Top

Lighting: High

Flow: Moderate – Strong

Approximate Purchase Size:  1" - 2"

Pink Polyp Capricornis Coral

The ORA Pink Polyp Cap is a Montipora capricornis with an olive green base color and dark pink polyps. The contrasting polyp and tissue colors make this two-toned cap really stand out. This is a fast growing capricornis with a slightly bumpy texture and delicate skeletal structure. As the colony matures, its plating growth formation stays relatively flat allowing for continued polyp viewing from the front glass of your tank. We find that the green tissue color looks best in medium lighting with higher Kelvin bulbs.

Placement: Bottom – Middle

Lighting: Low – High

Flow: Moderate – Strong

Approximate Purchase Size: 1" - 2"

Spongodes Coral

The ORA Spongodes is a Montipora sp. with an interesting growth pattern and coloration. It creates a substantial encrusting plate formation with thick fingers projecting upwards from the plates. The plates and fingers have a very attractive combination of contrasting brown and green colors. Under intense lighting, the new growth on this coral turns vibrant purple.

Placement: All Levels

Lighting: Medium – High

Flow: Moderate – Strong

Approximate Purchase Size: 1" - 2"

**ORA Fish are Shipped Directly from ORA Facilities and not from SaltwaterAquarium**


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