
Kitchen Sink Tank

100 Gallon "Kitchen Sink" Mixed Reef Tank!

Today's video from Reef Builders features a 5 year old "Kitchen Sink" Mixed Reef Tank! Join Jack as he gives a tour of this tank and find out what's in store for the future.


  • Duncan Coral (3/4" - 1") 1 - 2 Heads - SAQ Coral Farm

    Duncan Coral (3/4" - 1") 1 - 2 Heads - SAQ Coral Farm

    Saltwater Coral Farm

    On average 1-2 polyps 3/4" - 1" in size.  Coral pictured is an example of what will be sent to you. If you are looking to start buying coral online to add to your reef or fish tank, this is the best beginner LPS coral. Duncan coral is similar to a...
  • Aquacultured Pink Birdsnest Coral (Seriatopora hystrix) - ORA

    Aquacultured Pink Birdsnest Coral (Seriatopora hystrix) - ORA


    The ORA Pink Birdsnest is a thin branching Seriatopora with luminous pink branches and polyps. Lower branches of Pink Birdsnest colonies tend to grow out then curve downward, something we only see with this Seriatapora variety, giving large colonies a...
  • Aquacultured Green tip Pink Birdsnest Coral (Seriatopora sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Green tip Pink Birdsnest Coral (Seriatopora sp.) - ORA


    This exceptional variety of Pink Birdsnest coral has a tangled network of thin fuchsia branches with delicate green tips. The ORA Green Tip Pink Birdsnest has polyps that have a blueish green hue and widely spaced branches with rounded tips. Best...
  • Aquacultured Sinularia Finger Leather Coral (Sinularia sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Sinularia Finger Leather Coral (Sinularia sp.) - ORA


    The MIMF Green Finger Leather coral can make a dramatic addition to the home reef aquarium. Whether this is your very first coral or something new to your established reef, our Finger Leather adds gentle swaying movement and great polyp extension. This...
  • Aquacultured Hawkin's Blue Echinata Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Hawkin's Blue Echinata Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Hawkins Echinata is a very delicate short branching coral that exhibits a turquoise to aquamarine coloration. The tips of the ORA Hawkins turn ultraviolet in color when under intense lighting. The absence of a protective slime coat on this coral’s...
  • Aquacultured Marshall Island Yellow Scroll Coral (Turbinaria sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Marshall Island Yellow Scroll Coral (Turbinaria sp.) - ORA


    The MIMF Yellow Scroll Coral will add beauty and a splash of color to any reef aquarium. With its yellow base and bright yellow polyp extension, this corals unique growth patterns are sure to mesmerize any home aquarist! We find that they grow in a...
  • Aquacultured Miami Orchid Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Miami Orchid Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Miami Orchid is a branching staghorn coral with a brown and tan base and stunning magenta branch tips. One of the classic eye-catching ORA corals, the subtle beauty of the ORA Miami Orchid makes it still one of our favorites. Placement: Middle –...
  • Aquacultured Scripp's Green Tip Acropora (Acropora sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Scripp's Green Tip Acropora (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Scripps Green Tip Staghorn coral is a branching variety of Acropora having a greenish tan background with bright green polyps.  This fast growing coral can grow into an impressively large colony in short order. Placement: All Levels Lighting:...
  • On Sale 20%
    EXT 100 Gallon Complete Reef System – White - Innovative Marine
    On Sale 20%

    EXT 100 Gallon Complete Reef System – White - Innovative Marine

    Innovative Marine

    NUVO EXT Complete Reef System EXT Aquarium - A New NUVO Line overflowing with space Built from the footprint of the Award-Winning Fusion Aquariums, the NUVO EXT is an Innovative Marine first. Its first to incorporate an all-glass overflow, its first...
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    EXT 100 Gallon Complete Reef System – Black - Innovative Marine
    On Sale 20%

    EXT 100 Gallon Complete Reef System – Black - Innovative Marine

    Innovative Marine

    NUVO EXT Complete Reef System EXT Aquarium - A New NUVO Line overflowing with space Built from the footprint of the Award-Winning Fusion Aquariums, the NUVO EXT is an Innovative Marine first. Its first to incorporate an all-glass overflow, its first...