
20 Year Old Reef Tank

Exploring A STUNNING 20 Year Old, 10ft Saltwater Reef Tank in Melbourne, Australia! - Reef Builders

In this episode from Reef Builders', they'll take us on a tour of the Melbourne, Australia coral scene with a tour of this 10ft, 20 year old reef tank at Fish World Aquarium! These colonies are HUGE!

  • ReefWave 45 Aquarium Gyre Flow Pump - Red Sea

    ReefWave 45 Aquarium Gyre Flow Pump - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    Based on the Gyre patented, cross-flow technology, the ReefWave pumps provide optimal REEF-SPEC® water flow for corals in a wide range of reefscapes, regardless of their position in the aquarium. Silent, powerful, and easy to set up and maintain, the...
  • ReefWave 25 Aquarium Gyre Flow Pump - Red Sea

    ReefWave 25 Aquarium Gyre Flow Pump - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    ased on the Gyre patented, cross-flow technology, the ReefWave pumps provide optimal REEF-SPEC® water flow for corals in a wide range of reefscapes, regardless of their position in the aquarium. Silent, powerful, and easy to set up and maintain, the...
  • AP9X Aquarium LED Light - Kessil

    AP9X Aquarium LED Light - Kessil


    Redesigned optics provide an even light distribution that blankets your aquarium with up to 48” of coverage. This uniform coverage minimizes hot spots and creates an effect similar to that of a metal halide / T5 combo...
  • Deluxe Water Change Aquarium Kit - SaltwaterAquarium

    Deluxe Water Change Aquarium Kit - SaltwaterAquarium


    The Deluxe Water Change Kit Includes: 1x - 5 Gallon Orange High Density Polyethylene Bucket ($5.00) 1x - Hanna Salinity & Temp Checker ($69.00) 1x - Sicce Syncra Multi 800 Pump ($34.71) 1x - 10' Foot EHEIM 12/16 Hose ($11.49) 2x - Black Hose...
  • AP9X Aquarium LED Mounting Arm - Kessil

    AP9X Aquarium LED Mounting Arm - Kessil


    Kessil’s AP9X Mounting Arm is a sleek low profile mounting option for the AP9X. With a new integrated swivel joint, shadowing is a thing of the past. This single arm mount allows for 180 degrees of horizontal rotation and 60 degrees of vertical...
  • Sicce Ultra Zero Water Change Kit

    Sicce Ultra Zero Water Change Kit


    Making water changes simple and easy.  This kit assembles in seconds and allows you to easily move water from one place to another.  The Sicce Zero pump pumps buckets, trashcans or any water holding container down to a 2mm depth.  Easily...