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Dragons Breath Algae (Halymenia sp.) - ORA

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Shipping: All Live Animals are Shipped Fedex Priority Overnight in insulated cooler boxes with appropriate heat/cold packs. We only ship live animals on Monday - Thursday via Priority Overnight. There is a $39.99 Fee for all Live Animal Orders under $179.

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10 g portion

This dramatic macroalgae glows with fiery red colors tipped in fluorescent orange. Dragons Breath tends to grow slower than most other macroalgae species and does best when tumbled with good waterflow. Great for nutrient export in refugium’s as well as a vibrant addition to reef displays. This is also a great food source for tangs and angels and other herbivores. 

**ORA Fish are Shipped Directly from ORA Facilities and not from SaltwaterAquarium**

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