
Low Price Guarantee

Low Price Guarantee

If we lower our in-store or online price within one week of purchase, we will match our lower price, upon request via Store Credit.

Our Price Match Guarantee does not cover:


  • We do not price match/guarantee Live Animals, Corals, Fish, Inverts.
  • Products shipped from or sold by third-party sellers on websites or 3rd party marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Walmart, etc.
  • Competitors' service prices, pre-order and trade-in offers, eBay store offers, and special daily or hourly sales.
  • Any financing offers, bundle offers, free items, pricing errors, mail-in offers, coupon offers, items that are advertised as limited quantity, out of stock items, clearance items, open-box items, refurbished items, pre-owned items, credit card offers, gift card offers, rent/lease to own items, Point of Sale Activation cards, discounts related to a membership program, and items for sale Thanksgiving Day through the Monday after Thanksgiving, offered by a competitor.
  • The online prices of retailers not listed in the Special Considerations section.