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Aquacultured Green Stylophora Coral (Stylophora sp.) - ORA

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Dropship - Dropships from ORA
Shipping: All Live Animals are Shipped Fedex Priority Overnight in insulated cooler boxes with appropriate heat/cold packs. We only ship live animals on Monday - Thursday via Priority Overnight. There is a $39.99 Fee for all Live Animal Orders under $179.

Frequently Bought Together:

Aquacultured Green Stylophora Coral (Stylophora sp.) - ORA
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Green Stylophora or Cats Paw Coral has thick, compact short branches with brilliant green to teal blue polyps. Somewhat similar in appearance to the Green Birdsnest, but much thicker structure with very rounded branch tips and overall plump form. The skeleton of the ORA Green Stylo is very dense, making it a very hard coral to fragment.

Placement: All Levels

Lighting: Low – High

Flow: Moderate – Strong

Approximate Purchase Size:  1" - 2"

Photos are a representation only. Actual fish and corals may vary.

**ORA Fish are Shipped Directly from ORA Facilities and not from SaltwaterAquarium**

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