
Delivery & Acclimation

Fish DELIVERY & ACCLIMATION - Newbie Tank Build

In this episode of our Newbie Tank Build series, Mark will explain the basics of acclimation before Jimmy gets to work on acclimating his fish. Join us as we share what tools you'll need to get started, why you should always open your fish delivery in a dim room, and learn how easy it is to use our drip acclimation kit.

  • 20 Gallon Quarantine Kit (Emergency/Acclimation) - Aqueon

    20 Gallon Quarantine Kit (Emergency/Acclimation) - Aqueon


    This kit includes the basics you need to quarantine & condition your new fish or treat any fish in an emergency.  This kit was created to be as simple as possible and an all in one solution that looks and works very well.  Simply setup the...